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Smile Design Belmont WA

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Hollywood Smile

TV stars have it all – from face to character, they shine above everything else. No wonder many admire them and even dream to shine just like them.

At Epsom Dental Care, we can help!

One star quality is the “Hollywood Smile” – dazzling pearly whites, white and sparkling, straight and even, and in every way perfect.

With help from Epsom Dental Care, you can achieve this look!

Smile design treatment for modern cosmetic dentistry is increasing among dentists and other dental practitioners. Porcelain veneers are the most used service for this treatment.

They are very important for minimally invasive and highly cosmetic treatment, with appropriate function and perfect integration in harmony with the patient’s face.

Conditions Addressed by Smile Design Belmont WA

Conditions Addressed by Smile Design

  • Crooked and crowded teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Discoloured teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Amalgam (silver) fillings
  • Worn and broken teeth
  • Gaps between teeth

Dental Services under Smile Design Treatment

Z Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening products use dental-grade bleaches to break stains into smaller particles and make your teeth brighter.

These bleaches don’t work on all teeth, so it is important to consult your Belmont WA dentist before any treatment. Whitening will not be effective on dental veneers, crowns, fillings or if the colour is caused by medications or trauma.

Options for teeth whitening usually include toothpastes, at-home bleaching kits, and in-office bleaching. Of course, effectiveness, safety, and results vary greatly among products, so consult with your dentist if you are considering these choices.

Z Dental Veneers

If you have stained, chipped, or misaligned teeth, dental veneers Belmont WA may be an option for you. Veneers are thin, durable shells made of tooth-coloured materials that are attached to the surface of a tooth to improve its appearance.

Dental veneers are recommended to close small gaps or treat minor crowding when braces and bonding are not favoured or favourable.

Z Porcelain Fillings

Porcelain fillings are made to match the colour of the teeth they are used on. This is unlike fillings made from silver, gold and other minerals.

Porcelain provides the most reliable solution for dental restorations and aesthetics. They are all more durable than natural tooth enamel, and some are as strong as titanium.

Unlike metal fillings, porcelain fillings have the additional benefit of being both wear-resistant and impervious to heat fluctuations.

Z Orthodontics

Orthodontics involves correcting teeth that are improperly positioned. Epsom Dental Care is proud to offer the best and most up-to-date orthodontic services for our patients.

Your dentists in Belmont WA treat malocclusions or bad bites. Malocclusions occur when you bite down and your teeth do not line up correctly.

We also treat crooked teeth. Your Belmont WA dentist also focus on the development of the facial bones and jaw.

Smile Design Treatment in Belmont WA

If your smile needs fixing, consult your dentist at Epsom Dental Care today. We precisely plan your smile before starting the actual procedure.

With good preparation, advanced techniques and experience, we provide great results that will leave you smiling and satisfied.

We take pride in providing comprehensive cosmetic dental procedures for a Hollywood smile you desire.

If you are considering our smile design treatment in our Belmont WA clinic, contact us today at (08) 9478 2349 to discuss your options.

We are located at 5/132 Epsom Ave in Belmont WA.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to maintain a bright and healthy smile from home?
With regular dental care, you can help your results last longer, keeping your smile brighter and more beautiful. Every day, you should brush your teeth twice and floss at least once.

Limiting drinks with dark pigments can also reduce the reappearance of stains. With good oral hygiene, you can enjoy a gorgeous, healthy smile.

Can any kind of smile be designed for me?
The range of possibilities is quite wide, however, not unlimited. The character and harmony of your face must be taken into account.

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